Sunday, August 1, 2021

*** Update: August 1, 2021

 *** Update: August 1, 2021

Welcome to our new monthly update newsletter!

Firstly, our humble apologies that you haven't received updates in the past months. The double migration as well as ALL the problems in those months REALLY kept us busy.


Have you seen the latest website yet??? We have not just migrated the website back to Blogger, we migrated the link tracker to Hungry For Hits too! From early in July we migrated Duck's Lifetime Ads, as well as several other websites, to solve some major issues we had with advertising them. We thought Google Sites would be paradise for us, but it quickly turned into a living hell for us. Firstly, we could not advertise directly and then, when the traffic started to increase significantly, we started receiving 404 (page not found) errors. We could not afford ONE Error 404, so we migrated and upgraded our websites back to Blogger. Please bookmark the new webpage for future reference. The HOME page is now our landing page. There are still a separate splash page, but you don't have to worry about that...


1. Looking for the new website for Duck Internet Lifestyle? Yes, join Duck explaining what you need to really make money on the worldwide web. And, yes, Duck's Lifetime Ads is part of it!

2. Our Twitter profile is back and reflecting our new service!



Our monthly price promotion for the different membership levels are shown in red on the HOME page, REGISTRATION page and each of the membership pages (only the particular membership level's price). The current promotion is extended from July to end of August 2021. This EXCLUDES our Founder Platinum membership which have been frozen since the start of Duck's Lifetime Ads - no new members accepted here. Most of you are Founder Platinum members.


1. NEW upgraded banner links coming in August.

2. Monthly bonus advertising for existing members only.


Please go to the new website as well as our Splash Page website and check your ads for correctness NOW. If you need to change or correct your ads, please go to our dedicated Customer Care Center and explain the changes to us.

Until next month

Duck Grobbelaar-Sampson

PLEASE NOTE: This email is also send to members of my other advertising websites.